Kenisha Bynoe and Gail Bedeau discuss their knowledge and experience around implementing Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy in Kindergarten.

Released: December 5, 2018
Videos: 13

“When thinking about cultural competence for us, we think about honouring the students, their identities and what they come in with.”

– from Cultural Competence Inquiry – The Colour of My Skin
Our Journey
Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy
Gender Identity Inquiry
Cultural Competence Inquiry – The Colour of My Skin
Students Advocating for Themselves – Shadeism
Critical Consciousness Inquiry –
TTC Subway and Accessibility
Challenges to Overcome
Exploring Literature
Exploring Henna as a Community
Learning Environments and Building Community
Engaging and Communicating with Families
Kenisha and Gail: Bringing Culture into the Classroom
Student Engagement